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Chad Hoover is a true force of nature (in the best way possible) - strong, relentless and swift. I've had the pleasure of working with Chad across several projects and organizations over the past few years and he always elevates the expectations of what success means. He has an extremely strong work ethic, takes charge when it's needed, asks all the right questions, meticulous in his research, accepts feedback from all sides, offers a solution when a problem arises, and always makes an effort to create a fun environment for his colleagues. Beyond being an extremely strong teammate and partner professionally, Chad has also become a great friend and come through in times of need. Should you find yourself with the opportunity to work with Chad, you will learn what it's like to work with a rockstar.


Kunal Patel
Chief Technical Officer

Chad was a pleasure to work with and played an important role in GoneGypsyGame's ability to maintain the team's efficiency. He helped ensure the team's predictability in sprints throughout multiple successful client product launches and post-release activities. Chad is able to rapidly adapt and respond to changes in environments and priorities. He excels at being able to work independently and efficiently to meet the objectives of the project. GoneGypsyGames looks forward to working with Chad again on our next large contract.


Tom Long

Chad is one of the rare ones, a producer who understands a wide variety of production practices, has excellent people skills, and a keen sense of what makes a game engaging coupled with the ability to understand a user's viewpoint. It has been a real pleasure to work with Chad. He has worked tirelessly,  clearing blocks for the team, making sure the project is on track, and proactively solving problems--all with a smile on his face and a good word for everyone. He is a true servant leader, always putting others first, encouraging the best in individuals, and truly caring about each and every person on the team. I look forward to the next time we get to work together with anticipation.


​Joye Price
Executive Producer

While running CyberDream I ran into a unique problem. Individually we had a highly skilled team and a very motivated workforce, but as a team our enthusiasm suffered, and we were falling behind on milestones. I brought Chad in as a producer to help manage our production and soon after our productivity skyrocketed. He helped break apart the barriers in our organization and empowered team members to manage themselves and their groups. Using a gamification system that Chad and I developed together. My team is now the most motivated it’s ever been to complete tasks and work together to accomplish goals. I would highly recommend Chad for any company looking to improve or re-structure their work flow

Sean Pinnock

We have been working with Chad on developing The 'CITY Unseen’ Augmented Reality art app this year, and I was impressed with his clear communication and organization skills, as well as his attention to detail. Chad has the client’s best interest in mind and aims to deliver a superior quality product.


Patrick Kahn

If you work in video games, you'll be lucky to work with Chad. I have worked with Chad since early 2013 on several mobile game releases, and none of those games would have come to fruition without his involvement. Chad is a hardworking, motivated, organized person who would rival any Producer I have ever worked with. Chad is a trustworthy guy who deeply cares about games, people, and making sure projects get done right. If someone handed me a million dollar project tomorrow, Chad would be the first person I would call. If you find yourself vetting candidates for a particular position in games or any other position, and are considering Chad for the spot, please reach out. I endorse Chad 100%.


​Adam Stearns
Financial Business Partner

When I was starting Blipsounds, I wish I had Chad's input and knowledge from the video games industry to help me from the beginning. Catering a business to game developers requires the mind of a true industry veteran. And Chad, through his hard work and passion for the community, has proved that he is just that. A true video game nerd.


Ryan Stunkel

Chad is a motivated individual who never gives up. Through thick and thin, Chad always prevails with a good attitude toward himself and his team. He knows that risks must be taken to achieve greatness, and Chad has taken many risks to start his own company, Continuum Studio. I'm happy to be a part of it and love the studio's philosophy on culture and game development.


Tyson Hinz

Chad like most leaders within a company are always striving to improve the practices utilized within the environment. Except unlike most Chad takes this an additional step further by always striving to improve himself and truly learn from and with his teams and co-workers. This attitude coupled with his attention to detail, large picture visualization and keen listening skills. Has made and will continue to make him a leader that I and anyone else would be proud to follow and rely upon. 

Casey Hardin / Operations Officer / Continuum Studio

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Casey Hardin
Operations Officer

Chad is the bedrock of the game development community in Orlando. His dedication to making the projects he works on succeed is what makes team members strive to better themselves. We can always count on his leadership qualities when working with clients to get the job done.


Derrick Barra
Development / Director

Hard working, driven by goals and focused till the very end, Chad Hoover has been instrumental to the growth of Indienomicon and the development of a bustling Indie game dev community. His ability to communicate and organize was proven time and time again, in some cases taking the metaphorical coal and turning it into diamonds. I would be glad to work with Chad again.


Robert Torrez
Board of Directors

At a minimum, Perseverance would be defined by Chad's actions. Not only in work, but in friendship, charity, and personal growth. His ability to wake up, day after day, and take on any challenge in his way, with a determined smile, is to be admired. 
At a maximum, a synthesis of diligence, charisma, and a wide experience in production, allows for Chad to strike a balance between systematic problem-solving and commendable empathy, which has been vital for teams who have had the pleasure of working with him.


Kyle Morrand

Having known and worked closely with Chad for over 10 years now I think the best description I could provide would be philanthropic passion. I have yet to see him without a smile on his face and a willingness to help others. He is community minded and a friend to all he meets. He works tirelessly to ensure results and make sure his team is well served. His passion allows him to accomplish anything he sets his mind to all while maintaining his friendly persona. 


Rob Coble
Career Consultant

Chad is a good man to have as a leader. He will take ownership over any project you give him. He is always happy to pitch in and help when asked.  He is always motivated and gives everything his all.  I have collaborated with Chad on many projects and I am always confident he will complete every task I give him with professionalism and quality.


Anthony Bagsby

Chad Hoover has a calm and collected level of cool that helps get to the root cause of any problem in a quick and expedient manner. Chad's knowledge of scrum not only helped his own team with development of their game, the skills he honed and refined, were provided to my own team's development sprint and improved the way our team created builds and iterated on them time and time again. Chad is always there to provide advice, guidance, or just be a solid voice of reason. Chad maintains a positive and friendly attitude that brightens any situation that he is around. Chad is a great asset to any team as he is the eternal optimist.


Ashley Zeldin
Content Writer

Chad Hoover has a calm and collected level of cool that helps get to the root cause of any problem in a quick and expedient manner. Chad's knowledge of scrum not only helped his own team with development of their game, the skills he honed and refined, were provided to my own team's development sprint and improved the way our team created builds and iterated on them time and time again. Chad is always there to provide advice, guidance, or just be a solid voice of reason. Chad maintains a positive and friendly attitude that brightens any situation that he is around. Chad is a great asset to any team as he is the eternal optimist.


Adam Harte
Service Manager

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